What Does a Marriage Need? Apartness In Togetherness…

Lyrical yet profound, concise yet conclusive, Khalil Gibran’s poetic prose on Marriage in “The Prophet” is timeless and ageless in ...

/ Relationships

“Love You Ma”, “Love You Baby”- Six Words That Spin Your World

It began when I read a friend’s comment on her face book page. It was her birthday and she posted ...

/ Relationships

From Paris To Provence – A Second Love Affair

You often fall in love with a person but sometimes it’s a place. I felt smitten with Avignon – a ...

/ Travel

Love Affair In Paris

Why are holidays so desirable? Because they snap you out from the monotony of the alarm clock routine and aspire ...

/ Travel

Teachers Taught… But Somehow I Forgot

Sometimes there happen fireworks in the mind that take you up to the dazzling embers in the sky one moment ...

/ Reflections